Liquid Gas Ireland (LGI) has welcomed the opportunity to respond to the Department of Transport's consultation on the revised Renewable Transport Fuel Policy Statement 2025-2027 published in January 2025. The policy sets out the pathway for delivery of biofuel targets in Ireland's Climate Action Plan for the transport sector to deliver a significant reduction in CO2 emissions over the coming decade.
LGI fully supports the Department's policy measure, via the Biofuels Obligation Scheme, to increase the share of renewable energy in the transport sector and to contribute to the reduction of Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions. In recognising the opportunities that LPG, BioLPG, and rDME have to offer in this regard, the association is calling for:
- The prioritisation of the production and adoption of renewable fuels like BioLPG and rDME to meet EU and national renewable fuel targets.
- Consideration to be given to enhance Ireland's ability to develop and produce renewable fuels like BioLPG and rDME at the scale required to meet demand for non-road mobile machinery.
- The facilitation of funding for research and development to support future domestic production of renewable fuels.
- Transition to an obligation based on GHG intensity reduction targets rather than renewable energy share targets.
- Continue the current RTF policy to increase national targets for biofuel supply, with alignment to the Renewable Energy Directive.
You can read the full response here.